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Using the items table

In Lightspeed Restaurant, Items refer to food and beverage products that can be added to an order. You can create, edit, and manage items from the Items page in Back Office, where your items are listed in a comprehensive table. In this table, each unique item is listed in a row and details about them, such as Name, Type, and Price, are listed as columns. For a full list of the various columns and details that you'll find, see the section Understanding the items table.

Items library

Accessing the Items table

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed credentials.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Menu management > Items.
  3. (Optional) Apply filters to your results to see only items that meet particular criteria. To do this, follow steps 3a-3c.
    1. Click Filters.
    2. Select the filter(s) you wish to apply.
    3. Click Apply. Note: Filters that you've added will be listed at the top of the page. If you want to remove a particular filter, click the icon.
  4. (Optional) Use the Search in results... field to look up keywords, and click Search.

Filters for the items library

Understanding the Items table

The Items table displays basic product information by default, such as the item's Name, Link status, Type, Accounting group, and Price. If you need more details about each item, you can customize the table by adding additional columns. Below is a list of the columns available and descriptions of the information they display.

Items table

  • Name: Name or title of each individual item.
  • Link status: Shows the number of menus connected to this item. Click the number to show a list of menus in which this item is available.
  • Type: Items can be classified into four different types.
    • Item: A single menu item, such as a burger, salad, or drink.
    • Combo: A group of items that are sold together as a set, usually for a discounted price. For example, a burger combo typically includes a burger, fries, and a drink.
    • Group: A collection of items that are grouped together under a single name or category. For example, a group item called "Appetizers" could include several individual items such as oysters, beef tartare, and crab cakes.
    • Sub-item: A type of item that is linked to a main item but sold as a separate item. For example, if a customer orders a burger, they may have the option to add bacon as a sub-item.
  • Accounting group: Accounting groups are a logical sorting of items, otherwise known as categories. All accounting groups created from the Back Office in Menu management > Accounting groups are available for selection. See About accounting groups (categories) for further information.
  • Price: The retail price of the item as it will appear on the menu for customers. Note: Items with multiple prices based on different order profiles will have a dollar icon beside them. This price can only be edited from the Edit items page.
  • Cost: Cost of the item to the restaurant.
  • Button color: Color of the button that represents the item on the POS screen.
  • Button name: Text that appears on the button representing this item on the POS screen.
  • Sharing status: Indicates whether the item is available to be shared across locations. Click this field to make edits. Sharing status can be set to:
    • Local: Item is available at this business location only.
    • Shared: Item name is shared with other business locations. Item details (e.g., price) may vary per location.
    • Global: Item name and details (e.g., price) are shared with other business locations.
  • SKU: Assigned by default, the SKU is a unique identifier assigned to each item.
  • Statistics group: A categorization of the item used for tracking sales data and generating reports. Statistic groups provide more flexibility on reporting than accounting groups as these are linked to taxes. With statistic groups, you can provide more specific and customized reporting and sort items into defined groups. To learn the difference between accounting groups and statistics groups, visit Understanding statistics groups.
  • Status: Displays whether the item is Active and can be sold or Archived and unavailable for sale.

To learn how to edit the Items table and add or remove certain columns, check out the Editing the Items table section.

Editing the Items table

Customize the Items table by enabling or disabling columns to display only relevant information. Additionally, you can change the order in which columns appear and move them around based on your preferences.

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant credentials.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Menu management > Items.
  3. Click Edit table and modify page:
    1. Using the checkboxes, disable any unneeded columns and enable columns that you want to make visible.
    2. To change the order of columns, click the grip lines and drag the column upward or downward.
  4. (Optional) Click Reset to restore the table to its default settings.
  5. Click Save to finish making your changes.

What's next?

Adding items

Add items to the inventory.

Learn more

Importing and exporting items

Add or export multiple items simultaneously.

Learn more

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