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Global Turnover report

The Global Turnover report presents two graphs, allowing you to compare annual sales data to specific days, weeks or months. In addition, these graphs can be filtered down by device or staff, allowing you to compare the overall health of your business with your top performers.

Accessing the Global Turnover report

Access the Global Turnover report directly from the Lightspeed Restaurant Back Office.

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant credentials.
  2. Select Reports > Reports from the navigation bar.
  3. Click Global Turnover in the Staff reports section.

The Global Turnover report will display two graphs with the date on the horizontal scale and the total revenue on the vertical scale. Revenue is reported as profits and losses and are shown in relation to the corresponding years.

Image shows the default view for the Global Turnover report in Lightspeed Back Office.

Change the view of graphs to view turnover by months, weeks, days, or hours, or to filter down further by staff or device. Use both graphs separately to compare turnover at different times or to compare turnover by staff and devices.

Understanding the Global Turnover report

To view turnover data for a specific period of time, select a bar to see your turnover (revenue) by months, weeks, days, or hours. Optionally, you can also filter your results by staff, device or tags.

  1. To adjust the reporting period, select a bar to see your turnover (revenue) by months, weeks, days, day periods.
    1. Click the year of data you wish to view.
      Image shows the default view for the Global Turnover report in Lightspeed Back Office. The year '2024' has been highlighted.
    2. (Optional) Click the month of data you wish to view to review turnover broken down by day.
      Image shows the default view for the Global Turnover report in Lightspeed Back Office. The bottom graph, showing the months of the year, has been highlighted.
    3. (Optional) Click on the day you wish to view to review turnover broken down by hour.
  2. (Optional) Click Back to return to a previous view.
  3. (Optional) Click the dropdown menu to filter by staff or device.
    Image shows the Global Turnover report in Lightspeed Back Office. The dropdown menu to select staff and devices has been highlighted.

What’s next?

Staff Turnover

The Staff Turnover report highlights overall sales data per user. Here you can compare total revenue and average transactions by employee.

Learn more

Labor report

The Labor report displays shift data over a specific period per user, allowing you to compare hours worked to sales data.

Learn more

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