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Invoices report

The Invoices report lists orders where the Create invoice action was used to generate a receipt summarizing the order. This is commonly used to keep a customer's meal details private for when they submit an expense report to their employer. Use this report to see each of these transactions and the related invoices that were generated.

Accessing the Invoices report

To access and generate the Invoices report:

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant credentials.
  2. Select Reports > Reports from the navigation bar. 
  3. Click Invoices in the Order Reports section. 
    Image displays the home page for reports in the Lightspeed Restaurant Back Office. The section titled 'Order reports' has been highlighted.

By default, the Invoices report will show all invoices generated that day. Optionally, you can set the time period of the report using the arrows and calendar icon in the upper-right corner.

Looking up and filtering receipts

Primary view for the Invoices report

Viewing and managing receipt details

Click on any receipt from the Invoices report to see more details. From here, you can perform various actions and see more information specific to your chosen transaction.

Invoices actions

  • Save to text: Downloads a text file that includes information from both the Journal and Prints views.
  • Journal (view): An event log used for auditing purposes and for tracking all actions performed on the selected check. Click an event from the list to see more details.
  • Prints (view): Shows all printed versions of the chosen receipt, including production tickets sent to the kitchen or bar.

Journal view for invoices

What's next?

Draft Receipts Report

The Draft Receipts report lists all receipts that have been printed but not yet paid.

Learn more

Canceled Accounts Report

The Canceled Accounts report displays all canceled orders during a given period.

Learn more

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