In this article
KDS 2.0 is the latest version of our Kitchen Display System (as of January 2024). If you are looking for documentation about KDS 1.0 (for iOS), please visit our legacy KDS 1.0 help pages.
The Lightspeed Kitchen Display System is available as a paid add-on to existing Lightspeed Restaurant subscriptions. Contact your Sales Account Manager or email to ask about purchasing the Lightspeed KDS.
The KDS is an order manager that displays customer orders on a screen so they can be made by a kitchen, bar, or other production site. The orders can be updated as they're being prepared or once they're ready to collect, creating a live picture of what is happening in the restaurant. This system is built for efficiency and enhancing the communication between the kitchen and the waiters (or Front of House). An upcoming feature is to also add the ability to print order tickets.
The KDS is designed to create a live and interactive picture of what is needed and what is happening in your restaurant.
Kitchen Display System 2.0
Visit the following articles to learn how to set up and use the Lightspeed KDS 2.0:
- Setting up the Kitchen Display System 2.0
- Using the Kitchen Display System 2.0
- Hardware for Kitchen Display System 2.0
Kitchen Display System 1.0
Visit the following articles to learn how to set up and use the Lightspeed KDS 1.0 (iOS only):