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Editing or deleting customers

Once a customer is created in Lightspeed Restaurant, you can modify or delete their customer profile. This is useful for updating a customer’s contact information or removing their info from the system if they no longer frequent your restaurant.

Editing a customer profile 

Edit a customer profile to change the customer’s name, address, contact details, default order profile or discount applied to their orders, notes, tax identifier, or contact permissions.

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant credentials.
  2. From the navigation menu, go to Customers > Customers.
  3. Click the name of a customer to edit, or click Actions and select Edit customer.
  4. To update the customer’s contact details, address, or notes, follow steps 4a–4d:
    1. Click Edit next to Contact Info, Mailing address, or Notes.
    2. In the pop-up, fill in new details.
    3. Click Save to save changes.
    4. Repeat steps 4a–4c as needed to update other customer information.
  5. To update the default order profile or discount applied to the customer’s orders, select an option from the Profile or Discount drop-down menu.
  6. To change whether the customer receives email receipts and other email communications, toggle Allow email notifications.


Deleting a customer profile 

If you ever need to delete a customer profile, you can do so from the Back Office. Please note that deleting a customer will permanently remove their profile and any linked data.

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant credentials.
  2. From the navigation menu, go to Customers > Customers.
  3. Click the name of a customer to delete, or click Actions and select Edit customer.
  4. Click Archive to delete the customer.
  5. Review the message box, then click Archive to confirm.

What's next? 

Now that you have a customer profile on Lightspeed Restaurant, understand customer details by viewing their transaction history. See Viewing customer products and transactions.

Enable customer invoicing to be able to generate invoices for customer orders. See Setting up customer invoicing.

If customer invoicing is enabled, you can view transactions and invoices for each customer and settle open invoices to mark them as paid. See Managing customer invoices in the Back Office to learn how.

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