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Importing or exporting customer data

If you have existing customer information on file from another POS system, you can easily add those customers to Lightspeed Restaurant using the import tool. You’ll save time and effort by importing your customer data all at once with a CSV file rather than creating profiles one at a time. If you would like to create a new customer list within a spreadsheet and import it, the same steps apply.

Please note that it’s always important to ask a customer’s permission before adding their contact details to Lightspeed Restaurant. Moreover, you should only use this information in the context of the K-Series app.

Customer imports data and template

Before importing customer data, you must have that data organized in a spreadsheet and separated into distinct columns. Here are a few important things to note:

  1. The imports file must be a CSV spreadsheet, delimited by commas.
  2. The imports file must contain first and last names. It’s essential that, at minimum, the spreadsheet contains two columns of data for each customer: a column with the customer’s first name, and a second column with the customer’s last name. All other columns are optional.
  3. The first row must contain column names. In the spreadsheet, the first row should be the column headers (First name, Last name, Company, etc). Refer to our template below for an example.
  4. The imports file is limited to 1000 rows. If you have more than 999 customers to import, create separate imports for each data set of 999 customers.

The columns in the customer import file must be mapped the same as the imports template. When you do not have the required information on file, leave the relevant data cell empty. If you’re missing information for an entire column, you can delete the empty column. Note that the first two columns (first and last names) must be filled in, and the column headers should appear in the following order:

Column Headers Required field Description Formatting requirements
First Name Required Customer's first name Field cannot be empty. Must be less than 128 characters.
Last name Required Customer's last name Field cannot be empty. Must be less than 128 characters.
Company Optional (leave blank if not available) Customer's company Must be less than 128 characters.
Email Optional (leave blank if not available) Customer's email address  Requires a valid email address format. Must be less than 128 characters. 
Primary phone number Optional (leave blank if not available) Customer's primary phone number Must be numeric and contain 6 to 14 characters. Acceptable formats include: 
  • 1231231234
  • 123-123-1234
  • (123)123-1234
Secondary phone number Optional (leave blank if not available) Customer's secondary phone number Must be numeric and contain 6 to 14 characters. Acceptable formats include: 
  • 1231231234
  • 123-123-1234
  • (123)123-1234
Tax ID Optional (leave blank if not available) Customer's tax identification code Must be less than 64 characters.
Primary Address Optional (leave blank if not available) Primary home address Must be less than 255 characters.
Secondary Address Optional (leave blank if not available) Secondary home address (for company or second home address) Must be less than 255 characters.
ZIP Code Optional (leave blank if not available) ZIP Code the customer lives in. Must be less than 64 characters.
City Optional (leave blank if not available) City the customer lives in. Must be less than 65 characters.

Download this sample CSV file as a template.

Importing customer data

To import new customer data into Lightspeed Restaurant:

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant credentials.
  2. Click Customers > Customers.
  3. Click the Import button.
  4. Drag and drop the pre-formatted CSV file containing customer data onto the specified location.
  5. Once the file is imported, verify that the data columns are properly mapped.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Click Confirm Upload to finish and upload the file.

Once mapped and uploaded correctly, the customer’s data will exist as customer profiles on Lightspeed Restaurant.

Exporting customer data

To export existing customer data from Lightspeed:

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant credentials.
  2. Click Customers > Customers.
  3. Click Export.
  4. All data will export by default, so deselect any information you wish to exclude from the file.
  5. Select the File format based on your computer (Mac or PC).
  6. Click Export and the download will start automatically.

Respecting customer privacy

If you are importing customer data, it’s essential that these customers have given permission for your business to do so. As a Lightspeed user, it's imperative to respect and follow the privacy laws according to your region to ensure your compliance.

You can visit our Trust Center with all of our resources dedicated to security and privacy for more information.

What's next?

To modify a customer profile, see Editing or deleting customers.

Understand customer details by viewing their transaction history. See Viewing customer products and transactions.

Enable customer invoicing to be able to generate invoices for customer orders. See Setting up customer invoicing.

If customer invoicing is enabled, you can view transactions and invoices for each customer and settle open invoices to mark them as paid. See Managing customer invoices in the Back Office to learn how.


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