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Adding business settings

Business settings allows you to manage the important information that makes your business thrive.
In Business details, you’ll add your name, trade, company, and fiscal details.
In Basic settings, you‘ll add your receipt messaging, time tracking, and margin calculation.

To add business settings:

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant account credentials.
  2. From the navigation menu, go to Configuration > Settings > Business settings, which will open to the Business details tab. 

Business details

  1. Fill in the appropriate information. To ensure your business details are correct, all of the following fields are required.
    • Internal business name: Enter your business name, which is used internally and doesn't appear on receipts. 
    • Trade details: Enter your customer-facing name and address.
    • Company details: Enter your legal entity name, address, and country, as well as the full name of your company contact person. 
    • Fiscal details: Enter your Tax or VAT number.

What's the difference between a trade and a company? A trade only involves the buying and selling of goods, while a company involves all the other activities of a business entity, like marketing, bookkeeping, etc.

Simply put, it's the difference between what your customer sees, like your business name and location, and what your accountant sees on your official documentation.

  1. Click Save to save your business details. Business_details.png
  2. Follow the steps in Basic settings to continue adding business settings.

Basic settings

  1. Open the Basic settings tab. 
  2. Fill in the appropriate information, if applicable.

Note: Unlike the required Business settings, Basic settings are optional. Whether or not you choose to fill them out depends on how you want to run your business.


    • Receipt messaging: Enter the message you'd like printed on your customer's receipts. 
    • Time tracking: Toggle on to enable employee time tracking, which allows your employees to clock in and out in the POS system. To learn more, visit the About POS users article. 
    • Margin calculation: Toggle on to include tax in your costs. Enabling this feature takes taxes into consideration when calculating margins in your reports. 
  1. Click Save to save your basic settings.


What's next?

To learn more about order profiles for different types of orders, visit the About order profiles article.

To learn more about the different kinds of tax profiles, visit the Understanding taxes article.

To learn more about reporting settings, like reporting automation and reporting shifts, visit the About reporting settings article.

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