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About WEB-SRM (Quebec)

WEB-SRM (FR: MEV-Web) is an online-only Sales Recording Module (SRM) required for Quebec businesses to be fiscally compliant. To enable WEB-SRM for your Lightspeed account, you'll first need to obtain activation credentials from Revenu Québec. After completing the process, you can manage certificates for each POS device and view SRM reporting.

WEB-SRM is required for all restaurant and catering businesses located in Quebec.

  • New businesses registered after November 1, 2023 will be required to use WEB-SRM immediately.
  • Established businesses will have until May 2025 to switch from a physical SRM to WEB-SRM.

Merchants must print receipts to be compliant. K-Series is not yet certified for emailed receipts.

Obtaining SRM activation credentials

In order to activate WEB-SRM, you will first need to contact Revenu Québec to request your establishment number and access code. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Sign into the French-language My Account for businesses section on the Revenu Québec website to receive your credentials immediately.
  • Complete form VD-350.52.A-V and send it to one of the addresses on the form to receive your credentials via mail.

You will also need the 10-digit identification number and 4-digit file number from your Quebec Sales Tax (QST) registration certificate. Once you have all of this information, proceed with enabling WEB-SRM for your Lightspeed Restaurant account.

Enabling and setting up WEB-SRM

With your credentials from Revenu Québec handy, log in to the Lightspeed Restaurant Back Office to enable WEB-SRM for your account. You'll also need to access each POS device in your business to complete the setup process.

Before continuing, make sure you set up an on-premises receipt printer for each Lightspeed Restaurant POS device. To ensure compliance with Revenu Québec, you'll need to print a physical receipt for every order you process. 

  1. Log in to Back Office using your Lightspeed Restaurant credentials.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Configuration > Settings > Business settings.
  3. Select the Mandatory Billing tab. Mandatory billing tab
  4. Click Enable WEB-SRM and enter the required information.WEB-SRM credentials
  5. Click Save.
  6. Open the Lightspeed Restaurant (K) app on your POS device. You'll be prompted for the details of the Revenu Québec certificate. This is to register your device with Revenu Québec.
  7. Enter a unique name between 8 and 32 characters in length for the device's Revenu Québec certificate.
  8. Tap No, I do not have a Device ID if this is your first time configuring the device. Tap Yes, I have a Device ID if you are restoring a previously registered device and enter the Device ID.
  9. Tap Save certificate.


  10. Repeat steps 6–9 on each additional POS device.

Remember to write down the device identifier(s) and keep this information somewhere secure should you need to use it in the future (e.g.,: for disabling a POS device).

Managing the WEB-SRM certificate

After enabling WEB-SRM, you can renew or delete a POS device's certificate or generate a user report for compliance purposes. 

  1. In the Lightspeed Restaurant app, open the Settings menu and tap Mandatory billing  (Fiscalisation).


  2. Select an option for managing the WEB-SRM certificate.
    • Renew certificate: Extends the expiration date of the certificate.
    • Delete certificate: Removes the certificate from the POS device.
    • Generate report: Displays a printable report containing a sales summary, device information, and a QR code that, when scanned, shows this information on Revenu Québec's side. This is used to show compliance in the event of an audit.

Take note of device identifiers and store that information somewhere secure. This information can be helpful for record keeping in case the device is later deactivated.

Setting up taxes for WEB-SRM

Each Quebec merchant needs to set up their federal and provincial taxes in the Back Office. Each tax needs its own entry.

  1. From the navigation menu, select Configuration > Settings > Taxes.
  2. Click Add a new tax.
  3. Enter the information for the Federal tax and ensure the Category is set to Federal.
  4. Repeat step 3 for the Provincial tax and set the Category to Provincial.
  5. Create a Tax Profile to combine both rates, by going to Settings > Tax profiles.
  6. Click New Tax Profile.
  7. Give the profile a name and description.
  8. Click Select a tax and pick the Federal tax you added in step 3.
  9. Check the Apply next matching rule box.
  10. Click Add a new tax rule.
  11. Click Select a tax and pick the Provincial tax you added in step 4.
  12. Click Save.

tax profile.png

You will need to set up additional tax profiles to handle items where only one or the other tax is applicable. A tax profile to use when no taxes apply is created by default.

These tax profiles are then added to accounting groups which can be assigned to items. For full details and instructions on how to create and use your tax profiles, you can visit the Managing tax settings page.

Final checklist before using WEB-SRM

  • In Users > POS users, ensure that all POS users have a First name and Last name. Using only an initial for the last name is perfectly acceptable.


  • In Settings > Payment methods, edit each payment method listed and ensure the Do not print receipt in Advanced options remains unchecked.


  • In Settings > Refunds and Voids, ensure the Print a receipt option is set to Yes for all reasons.


Special payment method: Left without paying (FR: Parti sans payer)

Revenu Québec requires all POS systems to support the Left without paying payment method. This is to account for situations where guests “dine and dash”. This payment method is created automatically when you create your Quebec business account in Back Office.

To register an order as Left without paying:

  1. Select the order.
  2. Tap Pay.
  3. Select Left without paying as the payment type.

The receipt generated will be marked as Left without paying.

Void order

Revenu Québec mandates that the POS must provide a workflow for voiding any order.

To void an order:

  1. From the Orders screen, tap Actions.
  2. Tap Void Order.
  3. Select one of the options provided.
  4. Tap Void order.

The POS will print a receipt documenting that the order was canceled and no payment was applied. The receipt will also include the items that were canceled.

Documents for WEB-SRM

With the WEB-SRM, there are four types of documents generated and sent to the WEB-SRM system:

  • Temporary bills or draft receipts
  • Closing receipts
  • Refunded receipts
  • User reports

Tap Print Check (Note) near the keypad to generate any of these documents. They are also generated from the Advanced bill splitting interface by tapping the printer icon.

The WEB-SRM tracks the number of times a temporary bill has been printed and also tracks any modifications to orders where the temporary bill has been printed.

We are required to support two types of reprints: a reprint for the customer and a reprint for the merchant. There are two new actions in the Actions menu to trigger a reprint:

  • Customer copy (Copie client)
  • Merchant copy (Copie marchand)

These actions only appear if a temporary bill has already been generated. The user can also generate a Customer copy by re-tapping Print check (Note). They can also be printed from the Receipts tab by selecting any receipt and tapping Receipt actions. The options to Print customer copy or Print merchant copy are both available.

The signature section of each receipt is contained between the two lines of equal signs that span the width of the receipt. The signature section will contain:

  • Tax amounts that have been applied and the total
  • The nature of the document
    • Facture originale for a temporary bill
    • Paiement reçu for a closing receipt
  • In the case of a reprint, the document indicates if it is a customer copy or a merchant copy
    • Customer copies are marked Reproduction
    • Merchant copies are marked ***Copie du commerçant***, including a warning message that it should not be given to the customer (Ne pas remettre au client)
  • A QR code that leads to the transaction information on Revenu Québec’s side
  • The time stamp of the transaction, a transaction number, and device identifier

If there's an issue with the network and the POS cannot communicate with the WEB-SRM, the receipt is marked Problème de communication. Offline mode is further explained below.

Temporary bills

Temporary bills, also known as draft receipts, are printed before a payment has been applied. These are usually used in table service when the guest asks for the bill before paying. They are marked as Facture originale.

If, for any reason, there is a change made to an order after a temporary bill has been printed, such as an item added or removed, the new temporary bill will read Facture Révisée and show the count of how many times the temporary bill has been modified (e.g.; Remplace 2 factures).

Closing receipts

Closing receipts are printed after a payment has been completed. They are marked as Paiement reçu

Refunded receipts

Refunded receipts are printed when a paid transaction is refunded, either partially or fully. The refunded amounts, including taxes, are included. They are marked as Refund receipt (Note de crédit).

Since refunded receipts must be tracked with printed copies, the print option for each void reason must be enabled in your Back Office.

User reports

These user reports are WEB-SRM specific and not related to other reporting available in the POS. It contains information about the business, a sales summary, the device information, the date range for the report and a QR code for a webpage version of the report. These reports are generated from the Mandatory billing (Facturation obligatoire) section of the Settings menu. These reports are primarily for compliance purposes when a merchant is being audited.

  • Go to Settings > Mandatory billing.
  • Under User report, tap Generate.
  • Select a year for the report and whether you want a printed copy.
  • Tap Submit (YEAR) report.

The report is now available from the Mandatory billing section of the Settings menu, under Reports. Tap View Report under the report you wish to see.


Offline mode

The WEB-SRM works in offline mode right out of the box. All transactions are stored locally on the POS if no internet connection is available. When the POS comes back online and creates a new transaction, such as a temporary bill or closing receipt, the POS will send its backlog of unsent transactions to the WEB-SRM.

The user can always manually send any pending transactions via the Mandatory billing (Facturation obligatoire) section of the Settings menu once a connection is re-established.

  • Go to Settings > Mandatory billing.
  • Next to the notice of X transactions haven't been sent to Revenu Québec, tap Send.

Any document generated while the POS is offline will be marked as Problème de communication. The onus is on the merchant to make sure any unsent transactions are sent to Revenu Québec.


Training mode

You can use training mode to train new users on the POS by running practice transactions without worrying about generating data that will be included in your reports. Transactions made by a user in training mode are sent to Revenu Québec with a special flag denoting that the user is in training. These transactions are not accounted for in Revenu Québec reports.

To configure users in training mode, visit our Training POS users page.

What's next?

Adding business settings

Learn more about the settings required for setting up your business in the Back Office.

Learn more

Business reports

Learn more about Sales reports and how to use this information to see how all aspects of your business are performing.

Learn more

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