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Setting up Restaurant Tickets

  • Restaurant Ticket is only available in France.

Restaurant Ticket (French: Titres-Restaurant) is a payment voucher or system that allows the employee to pay for their meal at a local restaurant. These vouchers are often issued as a payment card that uses the credit card network. In essence, they are a company provided credit cardAs a result, Lightspeed terminals need to be configured to handle these Restaurant Ticket cards.

The Restaurant Ticket is subsidized by the employer roughly 50 to 60%, up to a limit determined by the employer. Employees are generally entitled to one ticket per working day.

Registering at the CNTR

The first step to taking payments with Restaurant Ticket cards is registering with the Commission Nationale des Titres-Restaurant (CNTR).

Follow their instructions to collect the information you'll need for your dossier and submit it. Once sent, it can take two to four weeks before receiving a response.

Once accepted, you'll receive your registration details and Conecs card by mail or courier. This card serves as your identification for companies using the Conecs system. With this information in hand, you can begin to sign up to the various companies that issue Restaurant Tickets.

There are two processes you will need to follow:

  • Registering with companies that use the Conecs card.
  • Registering with companies that do not use the Conecs card.

Registering with your Conecs card

To add your Conecs account to your Lightspeed account, you'll need to contact us by chat or email with the following two details:

  • Raison sociale - SIRET
  • Conecs identifier

Your Conecs identifier can be found on your Conecs card.

Image of a Conecs card with the identifier circled

Registering with non-Conecs cards

You may wish to register with other third-party card providers who also handle Restaurant Tickets. Here are some of the registration pages you can use to sign up:

Required information

The information you'll need to register with other third-party card providers is:

  • Merchant ID for Visa (MID Visa)
  • Merchant ID for Mastercard (MID Mastercard)

You can find the MID of each on a receipt when each payment type is used. The MID on the receipt from a Visa payment is your MID Visa. And the same MID from a Mastercard payment is your MID Mastercard. Some providers need only one type of MID, some will need both.

Image of a receipt with the MID

Optional information

Some providers may ask for additional details to complete your registration.

  • Code banque: 73829 (for all Lightspeed clients in France)
  • ID: 13445 (for all Lightspeed clients in France)

They may also ask for your SUB-MID. To find your SUB-MID:

  1. Log in to your Back Office.
  2. Navigate to Configuration > Settings > Payment methods.
  3. Click Lightspeed Payments.
  4. Expand Advanced details.
  5. Note the identifier number under Sub-provider. The identifier after the colon is your SUB-MID.

Managing Restaurant Ticket payments

Be aware that the reporting for payments using the Conecs system differs from those using third-party providers.

For transactions using the Conecs system, payments will be made directly to you by Conecs and not via Lightspeed transfer payment. This can cause a difference in the payment amounts of your operational report between the Payment total and the Lightspeed transfer payment. You can filter these payments in the order report using the "Meal Voucher" type to see the transactions of this type and account for any discrepancies.

For all other non-Conecs transaction types, payments will be made to you by Lightspeed directly.

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