In this article
While the Receipts screen is useful for editing or voiding receipts, the Payments list is a useful overview of recently closed transactions. From the Payments list, a POS user can add a tip or open the receipt actions for the selected payment. Note that the payments displayed on this list depend on the permissions for the user. If the user has managerial permissions, they should be able to view all payments. If the POS user was limited permissions, they should only be able to view their own transactions on this list.
Accessing the Payments list
- Log on to the POS, and select the Settings tab on the bottom navigation bar. The Settings menu will slide out on the right side of the screen.
- From the Settings menu, select Payments so open the Payments list screen. You will be brought to the Payments list.
- From the Payments list screen, you can search for a payment by using the search field at the top of the screen. The Payments list displays the reference number, order total, tip, order name, time, payment type, user, and details of each payment.
Tapping a payment row opens the receipt actions for the selected receipt. From here, you can edit or void the receipt. For more information, see Editing or voiding a receipt.
Tapping the blue Tip button allows you to modify or add a tip for the selected payment. This is useful if you can only add a tip amount after payment, such as for cash payments.
Adding a tip to processed payments
If you process a payment but later realize there is an added tip amount, you can add a tip from the Payments list on the POS.
- From the Settings menu on the POS, select Payments. This will open your Payments list, which displays all closed orders in list format.
- Tap Tip on the corresponding order line you wish to adjust the tip amount for.
- From the pop-up window, select Change tip amount. You will be brought to a payment modal.
- Tap the tip amount line on the modal and use the keypad to adjust the tip amount.
- When you have added the correct tip amount, tap Done.
- When a tip has been added to a payment, you'll notice the Tip payment loses its bright blue color and will instead only have a blue border, signifying a tip has been adjusted for the payment.