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Monthly Discounts

The Monthly Discounts report offers a quick overview of discounts that were issued over the course of that month. Use this report for making at-a-glance assessments of the discounts that were issued on a given day, as well as seeing their value.

Image displays an example of the Monthly Discounts report.

Accessing the Monthly Discounts report

Access the Monthly Discounts report directly from the Lightspeed Restaurant Back Office.

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant credentials.
  2. Select Reports > Reports from the navigation bar.
  3. Click Monthly Discounts in the Discounts and Corrections section.

Understanding the Monthly Discounts report

The Monthly Discounts table dedicates a column to each discount that you've created. Those columns are then further broken down to show you when the discount was applied, the number of items discounted, and the monetary value of the discounts issued. If a discount was not applied on a specific day, the field is left blank.

  • Day: The date and day of the week when the discount was applied.
  • Qty: The number of items that were discounted.
  • Amount: The total monetary value of the discounts issued.

Exporting the Monthly Discounts report

With Lightspeed Restaurant, you can export or print your reports as a spreadsheet for your records.

  1. Click Export CSV.
  2. Select either Mac, PC, or Manual Configuration based on your operating system and preferences.
  3. Click Export.

What's next?

Discount Breakdown

The Discount Breakdown report summarizes all discounts applied to orders over a period of time.

Learn more

Cancellations and Corrections

The Cancellations and Corrections report details refunds and voids applied to orders.

Learn more

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