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Setting up the OpenTable integration

To use the OpenTable integration, you'll need an OpenTable account. If you haven’t created an account yet, visit OpenTable to get started.

For the OpenTable integration to function properly, the table numbers in OpenTable must exactly match the table numbers in Lightspeed Restaurant.

Enabling the OpenTable integration

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant credentials.
  2. From the navigation menu, go to Integration > Reservations.
  3. In the OpenTable section, click More Details.Enable_OpenTable_integration.png
  4. Click Enable Integration to open a new browser tab. The new browser tab will load the OpenTable Guest Center, where the integration can be enabled.
  5. Log in to the OpenTable Guest Center with your OpenTable credentials.
  6. Select the restaurant you'd like to connect to the OpenTable integration.
  7. From the OpenTable website, click Integrations.
  8. Select Lightspeed K from the list of integrations.

    If a green check mark appears on the Lightspeed K tile, then the selected OpenTable restaurant is already integrated with another Lightspeed account. The integration must be manually disabled from the already connected restaurant, or by OpenTable.

  9. Follow the on-screen instructions to link your Lightspeed Restaurant account with your OpenTable account.

Configuring the OpenTable integration settings

Once you've enabled the integration, continue setting up the OpenTable integration by configuring its settings. 

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant credentials.
  2. From the navigation menu, go to Integration > Reservations.
  3. Click OpenTable.
  4. Fill in the appropriate information for auto check creation and course settings.OpenTable settings page displaying auto-check creation and course settings.

    Auto check creation settings:

    • Automatically open checks in the POS: Toggle on to automatically open checks in the POS app when seating a party in OpenTable. If you'd prefer to manually open checks when seating a party in OpenTable, then toggle off. No matter which option you choose, check data will sync from the POS app to the Guest Center when table numbers are exactly the same in both Lightspeed Restaurant and OpenTable.
    • Include walk-in parties from OpenTable: Toggle on to automatically open checks in the POS app when seating walk-in parties. If you'd prefer to manually open checks for walk-in parties, or to only automatically open checks for reservations made in OpenTable, then toggle off.
    • Use OpenTable order profile: Toggle on to create checks with the OpenTable order profile. If you’d prefer to create checks with your existing order profile instead, then toggle off.

    Course settings:

    For OpenTable to receive automatic table status updates as the meal progresses, map statistic categories from Lightspeed Restaurant to OpenTable statuses.

    To add statistic categories in Lightspeed Restaurant and map them to OpenTable statuses: 

    1. From the navigation menu, go to Menu management > Accounting groups.
    2. Under Actions, click Edit on the existing accounting group you'd like to add a statistic category to.
    3. Fill in the Category and Value fields, where Value corresponds to the statistic category you'll map to OpenTable statuses. For example, the accounting group 'Alcoholic drinks' could have the statistic category of 'Beverages.'
    4. Click Save.
    5. From the navigation menu, go to Integration > Reservations.
    6. Click OpenTable.
    7. Under Course settings, click Add to add a statistic category to each course.
    8. Select the statistic categories you'd like to add to each course.alt
  5. Click Save.

Disabling the OpenTable integration

If you decide to stop using the OpenTable integration, then you could easily disable it from the Back Office. The integration will also be disabled on OpenTable's side. Your previous settings will save, so you could re-enable the OpenTable integration at any point in the future.

What's next?

Check out Using the OpenTable integration to learn more about how to make the most of the OpenTable integration.

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