With Pay at Table, Lightspeed Payments gives you the ability to settle the check at your customer's table using the Verifone V400m or Smart Terminal with Printer card reader. This feature supports partial payments and allows you to accept tips for card payments. Pay at Table can increase efficiency at your restaurant because you don't need the POS at the table, and you can use one device to check out your guests. Additionally, it saves your staff the time it takes to collect and return credit and debit cards to your customers.
Pay at Table requirements
Before you can use Pay at Table, you must have the following:
- A Lightspeed Payments account.
- The newest version of the Lightspeed Restaurant app.
- A stable internet connection. To process secure payments, run your POS system and any associated devices on a dedicated private network.
- A Verifone V400m, Smart Terminal, or Smart Terminal with Printer payment terminal.
Pay at Table requires a unique terminal ID per location. Therefore, it's not possible to use the same device for multiple sites.
Setting up Pay at Table
Before you can use Pay at Table to process orders, you must assign a PIN to a POS user in the Back Office. This PIN is used for signing in to Pay at Table on your terminal. We recommend setting up a PIN for each user that needs access to Pay at Table. You can also enable tipping, but this is an optional step.
Assigning a Pay at Table PIN (required)
The PIN is used to log in to your Pay at Table terminal.
- Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed credentials.
- Navigate to Configuration > Users > POS users.
- Next to the user you want to edit, click Configure.
- Enter a 4-digit PIN in the Identifier for local orders field. The PIN cannot start with zero. If you have multiple users, we recommend setting up a unique PIN for each user.
- Click Update.
Enabling Pay at Table
- From the Back Office, navigate to Financial Services.
- Select Terminals.
- Click Settings.
- Optionally, to only enable Pay at Table for one payment terminal, select the serial number of the payment terminal you wish to enable Pay at Table for.
- Enable Custom settings.
- Enable Allow Pay at Table.
- Click Save.
Enable tipping for Pay at Table (optional)
To accept tips via Pay at Table, you must enable two settings in your Back Office:
- Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed credentials.
- Navigate to Configuration > Configurations.
- Click Edit next to the device profile that is used on your active devices.
- Under Payments, check the Enable tipping checkbox.
- Scroll down to Tips and check the Enable tipping on terminal when supported checkbox.
- Click Save.
Processing payments via Pay at Table
With Pay at Table, you only need one device to settle the check at your customer's table. To pay for an entire order with one card:
- Tap Pay at Table on the payment terminal.
- Log in with your identifier for local orders.
- Tap Confirm or the green circle button on the keypad.
- Enter the table number or table name. Optionally, you can leave it blank and the device will display a list of open orders after confirming. Navigate the list by tapping Previous page or Next page on the screen.
- Tap Confirm or the green circle button on the keypad to confirm.
After the table is confirmed, the terminal will give you the option to print a check.
Note: The check lists the items for the selected table and can be used to facilitate potential splits. The terminal will use the same layout configured in your Back Office, so the check will look similar to a receipt printed via the POS. - (Optional) If the table contains unsettled checks, the device will display them in a list. Select the check that the guest wants to pay by tapping it.
- Tap Pay Total.
Splitting checks with Pay at Table
You can split checks one of two ways: in equal splits or unequal splits.
When you settle a check in equal splits, the sum will be divided into equal parts by the number of splits. Use this option if guests want to pay in equal amounts.
- Tap Pay at Table on the payment terminal.
- Log in with your identifier for local orders.
- Tap Confirm or the green circle button on the keypad.
- Enter the table number or table name. Optionally, you can leave it blank and the device will display a list of open orders after confirming. Navigate the list by tapping Previous page or Next page on the screen.
- Tap Confirm or the green circle button on the keypad to confirm.
After the table is confirmed, the terminal will give you the option to print a check. The check lists the items for the selected table and can be used to facilitate potential splits. The terminal will use the same layout configured in your Back Office, so the check will look similar to a receipt printed via the POS.
- (Optional) If the table contains unsettled checks, the device will display them in a list. Select the check that the guest wants to pay by tapping it.
- Tap Equally.
- Enter the number of splits. If you want to settle the entire table on one check, enter 1.
- Tap Confirm or the green circle button on the keypad to confirm.
- Choose the payment method, Cash or Card.
- (Optional) If you selected Card in step 11, enter the tip and confirm. The tip prompt only appears when paying by card.
- Proceed with the payment.
- (Optional) If you selected Cash in step 11, tap Confirm after you’ve settled the amount paid in cash.
- Choose one of the following options:
- Next split: Continues to the next split payment on this table
- Pay later: Stops the Pay at Table process. Useful if one guest wants to leave and the rest of the group wants to stay.
- Pay remainder: Settles the remaining amount after a split.
Use this option if your guests want to pay for individual items or split the check in different amounts. For example, you can settle in unequal splits if one guest wants to pay for the table’s drinks and another wants to pay for its food. Simply enter the exact amount to be paid and Pay at table will deduct it from the total amount.
Note: If you want to settle the entire check, enter the total amount.
- Tap Pay at Table on the payment terminal.
- Log in with your identifier for local orders.
- Tap Confirm or click the green circle button on the keypad to confirm.
- Enter the table number or table name. Optionally, you can leave it blank and the device will display a list of open orders after confirming. Navigate the list by tapping Previous page or Next page on the screen.
- Tap Confirm or the green circle button on the keypad to confirm.
- After the table is confirmed, the terminal will give you the option to print a check. The check lists the items for the selected table and can be used to facilitate potential splits. The terminal will use the same layout configured in your Back Office, so the check will look similar to a receipt printed via the POS.
- (Optional) If the table contains unsettled checks, the device will display them in a list. Select the check that the guest wants to pay by tapping it.
- Tap Unequally.
- Enter the amount to settle. If you want to settle the entire table on one check, enter the total amount.
- Choose the payment method, Cash or Card.
- (Optional) If you selected Card in step 10, enter the tip and confirm. The tip prompt only appears when paying by card.
- Proceed with payment.
- (Optional) If you selected Cash in step 10, tap Confirm after settling the amount paid in cash.
- Choose one of the following options:
- Next split: Continues to the next split payment on this table
- Pay later: Stops the Pay at Table process. Useful if one guest wants to leave and the rest of the group wants to stay.
- Pay remainder: Settles the remaining amount after a split.
Pay at Table FAQ
- Can I use Pay at Table?Pay at Table is available on select K-Series and O-Series pricing packages. You must also have an account with Lightspeed Payments and a supported terminal (Verifone V400m, Smart Terminal, or Smart Terminal with Printer). Contact your Account Manager to learn more about using Pay at Table.
- Can I use Pay at Table on different terminals at the same time?Yes. However, you cannot use multiple terminals to take payments simultaneously for the same check.
- Can I use the POS and Pay at Table at the same time?Yes, you can use the POS while processing a payment via Pay at Table, provided that the payments are for different checks. If you attempt to process a payment for the same check on both your POS and the Pay at Table terminal, the payment on the POS takes priority.
- Where do I set up my Pay at Table PIN?To set up your PIN, navigate to Configuration > Users > POS user in the Back Office. Then, enter a 4-digit PIN in the Identifier for local orders field. The PIN cannot start with zero. If you have multiple users, we recommend setting up a unique PIN for each user.
- Can the terminal print a check or receipt?You cannot currently print a receipt via the terminal. However, it is possible to print a check if your K-Series app is updated to or newer than version 4.1.47. This check is not a replacement for the receipt, which is important in regions with fiscal regulations, such as Germany.
- Which devices are supported for Pay at Table?The following terminal models are currently supported:
- Is it possible to take cash payments with Pay at Table?Yes. During a Pay at Table transaction, the terminal will offer you the option to accept a cash payment.
- Can I split a check on the POS and then view the divided bills on the Pay at Table terminal?Yes. First, split a check on the POS. Then, enter the table number on the Pay at Table terminal to view the divided bills.
- Can my customers tip via Pay at Table?Yes, tipping is possible for card payments. The process is different depending on the app version:
- On Version 4.1.41 or older, the terminal will always prompt for tip when taking a card payment.
- On Version 4.1.42 or newer, the setting Enable tip on terminal when supported must be enabled in your K-Series Back Office.
- Can you view all open checks on a terminal?Yes. To access a list of open checks, begin a sale on the terminal. When the terminal prompts for a table number, do not enter a number and tap the green circle button. The terminal will then display a list of all open checks.