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Understanding the Sales Summary

The Sales Summary gives a quick, graphical overview of sales performance. From this page, you can compare sales performance between different time periods and easily access additional reports if particular numbers require more information.

Sales Summary main page

Accessing the Sales Summary

Accessing the Sales Summary can be done from the navigation bar in the Back Office.

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed credentials.
  2. Click ReportsSales Summary.

Filtering the Sales Summary

Use the filtering options to view and compare information from specific time frames.

To view a single time period:

  1. Choose a time interval range from the first dropdown menu and click OK.
  2. Choose a date range from the second dropdown menu, such as Last 7 Days, and click Apply.

    Sales Summary with drop-down menus highlighted

To compare time periods:

  1. Toggle on Compare data.
  2. Choose a time interval range from the first dropdown menu and click OK.
  3. Choose a date range from the second dropdown menu, such as Last 7 Days, and click Apply.
  4. Choose a comparison period from the third dropdown menu, such as Same period last week, and click Apply.

    Sales Summary with Compare data toggled on

Understanding the Sales Summary

The Sales Summary charts display your Gross sales based on your chosen time period, followed by a breakdown by each day of the week and time of day.

The Sales Summary bar shows the total of the time period's Gross sales, number of orders, average spent per order, number of covers, average spent per cover, and no cover orders.

The Sales Summary breakdown sections show individual lines for more targeted information.

Sales Summary charts

Use the Sales Summary charts to view your Gross sales at a glance. The information will change depending on your filters, but you will always be able to see a breakdown by Day of Week and Time of Day.

Sales Summary chart

Hover over a bar on the graph to view that specific time period's Gross sales, Cover count, and Orders.

Sales summary chart with hover information displayed

Sales Summary bar

Use the Sales Summary bar to view important totals at a glance. These totals will change depending on your filters.

Gross sales: The total of your gross sales for the selected time period.

Orders: The total number of orders placed and closed out for the selected time period. An order split into multiple receipts is still considered a single order for the purposes of the Sales Summary.

Order average: The average amount paid per order for the selected time period.

Covers: The total number of individual customers for the selected time period.

Cover average: The average amount paid per customer for the selected time period.

No cover orders: The total number of orders closed without creating a cover for the selected time period.

Sales Summary bar

Sales Summary breakdown sections

The Sales Summary breakdown provides details on your sales in some important areas, including Gross sales, Accounting groups, and Order profiles.

Gross sales: Gross sales are the total of all sales and services before discounts and taxes are removed. In this section, you can view your gross sales broken down into Net sales, taxes, refunds, discounts, tips, and service charges.

Taxes: This section breaks down the amount of taxes you receive on paid orders. The information here will depend on your tax settings in the Back Office.

Discounts: This section shows the discounts most commonly given out on orders. Set up discounts in the Back Office.

Accounting groups: This section shows your top-performing accounting groups and the sales for each group. The total value is based on your Net sales.

Payments: This section shows your total sales by the method of payment used, such as credit card or cash. Set up your payment methods in the Back Office.

Order profiles: This section shows your top-performing order profiles and the sales for each profile. Set up your order profiles in the Back Office. The total value is based on your Net sales.

Tips: This section shows the amount made in tips sorted by the payment method used, such as credit card or cash. Adjust your tips settings in the Back Office.

Sales Summary breakdown sections

What's next?

About Reports

Reports give you important insights into sales and staff data, to help you more easily manage your business.

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About Sales Reports

Sales reports provide a detailed breakdown of sold goods and services, with net and gross data for a specific time period.

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