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Drawer reports

The Drawer report displays sales and business data related to cash payments (through this, if necessary, you can get direct information about the cash in the restaurant, i.e. cash drawers, waiter's purses, etc.). It also displays the pay-ins and pay-outs for the change. For more information about the data on the report, please visit the POS report structure article. To learn how to access and print the report, see Accessing and printing POS reports.

User and drawer reports are filed under the higher-level shift reports in Lightspeed Back Office. Therefore, you must always search for and click on the shift report first, and the corresponding user and drawer reports will be displayed below it.

Managers or owners will most commonly access this report. In some cases, it may be necessary for other employees to have permission to access this report, e.g. in Germany for a tax audit on-site, in the case that no supervisor is available.

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