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Cash drawer report

Visit the Cash drawer report to see an overview of cash drawer activity as it occurred throughout the day. This report gives managers a general view of the registered payment methods, how they were counted, and where discrepancies may have happened.

Accessing the Cash drawer report

To access the Cash drawer report:

  1. Log in to the Back Office using your Lightspeed credentials.
  2. Select Reports > Reports from the navigation menu.
  3. Click Cash drawer report in the Fiscal Reports section.
  4. Use the drop-down menu and calendar icon in the upper-right corner to change the report's time period.
  5. (Optional) Click Print report to download a print-friendly PDF version of the report.
  6. (Optional) Download a CSV version of the report by clicking Export, then selecting your computer (Mac or PC). Optionally, click the caret ▼to select and download a Cash management journal to track cash lifts and drops.
  7. (Optional) Sort the table data by clicking User or Date in the Sorted by section.


Understanding the Cash drawer report table

The Cash drawer report table organizes your data into various columns for the payment methods. Each payment method is then divided into respective columns concerning their key metrics: ReportedLifts/dropsTakings, Totals, and Difference. For descriptions of each of these columns, see the table below.

cash-drawer-payment-methods.pngCash drawer report columns

Column Description
User Name of the user who opens the cash drawer.
Date Date of the sales period.
Period Opening and closing hours. If the store isn't closed manually, the start of the next business day will be marked as the closing hour.
Reported The reported cash drawer amount if counting is enabled. If a count was done, click the number to see the exact denominations counted.
Lifts/drops Difference between cash lift and drop actions. For example, if you add $200 to the cash drawer, then later remove $50, this figure should show $150.

For a complete list of cash lifts and drops, click the caret ▼ beside the Export option and select Cash management journal. A CSV file will download automatically. Open it with your preferred spreadsheet editing program to see each cash drop, cash lift, and their respective amounts and reasons.

Visit this article to learn how to perform cash drops and lifts via the POS Settings screen.

Takings All payments registered in the cash drawer.
Total Cash lifts + Cash drops + Takings.
Difference The discrepancy between what should've been in the register and what was reported. The calculation is done by subtracting the Reported count from the Total.

What's next?

The reports linked below are additional Fiscal Reports:

The Fiscal Summary gives a high-level overview of all sales, taxes, and receipts created during the selected time period.

The Fiscal Report gives a detailed view of all sales, taxes, and receipts created during the selected time period.

Shift Reports (Fiscal) show when employees started and ended their shift, how many receipts were generated, and the total sales and payment methods during a selected shift or time period.


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