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Consolidated Business Reports

The Consolidated Business report shows the financial information for the selected time period for all of the locations linked to your account.

Accessing the Consolidated Business Report

To access and generate the Consolidated Business Report:

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed credentials.
  2. Select  Reports > Reports from the navigation menu.
  3. Click Consolidated Business Reports in the Location Reports section.
  4. (Optional) To see specific data on the report, organize the report by Accounting Group (default) or Category according to your preference.
  5. (Optional) Use the drop-down menu and calendar icon to change the report’s time period.
  6. Click Print report to download a PDF version of the report.
  7. (Optional) Download a CSV file of a report by clicking Export CSV, selecting your operating system, (Mac or PC), and then clicking Export

Items offered free of charge aren't included in the Sales or Takings and aren't subject to tax.


Understanding the Consolidated Business Report

For descriptions of the various sections of the Consolidated Business Report, refer to the table below.

Reporting sections

Report section Description
Summary A simple overview of transactions, including the total revenue, tax collected, and write-offs.
Accounts Total amount of checks opened, paid, corrected, and canceled.
Cash report Total cash received, dispensed, and taken as tips. Moreover, this section shows cash drawer activity, including adding and removing cash from the drawer.
Sales Total sales broken down by item. Items are grouped together based on whether the report is organized by Accounting Group or Category.
Takings Payments taken. Note: Total takings may not match Total sales if there are open, unpaid orders.
Discounts The various discounts that were used. This section distinguishes the quantity issued (Qty) from the number of accounts (Acc) or checks that received this discount.
Taxes The various tax rates and amount of tax collected. 

What's next?

The reports linked below are additional Location reports:

The Consolidated Product Reports page displays an overview of sold products for the selected time period for all your locations.

The Consolidated Discounts Breakdown report summarizes the discounts given on orders at all your locations. 

The Consolidated Shifts Report shows when employees started and ended their user shifts, how many receipts were generated and the total sales and payment methods for all your locations.

The Consolidated Fiscal Summary gives a high-level overview of all sales, taxes and receipts created during the selected period for all your locations.

The Consolidated Fiscal Report gives a detailed view of all sales, taxes and receipts created during the selected period for all your locations.

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