In this article
This article explains the sections of POS reports that display on the screen of the POS device and those on the printed reports. Period, user, shift, and fiscal reports all display the same sections of information for sales and payments described in this article.
Report structure on the POS
The POS shows the reports with the following sections of information for each report, as seen in the images below.
Total Sales: The sum of all sales made either until the report is run or for an entire sales period or user shift for closed and previous reports. This section also shows the sum of net sales, excluding VAT.
Takings: The sum of all payments processed. This section also shows tips received.
Average (∅) Covers: The average sales amount for each guest served. This section also shows the number of guests served.
Note: The average will only be accurate if the correct number of guests is entered for each table. If no guest count is entered, the register will use the number of seats at a table instead. For example, if there are three guests at a table for four, you must enter three guests for the average calculation to be correct. Otherwise, the register assumes four guests served.
Average (∅) Tables: The average sales amount for each table served. This section also shows the number of tables used.
Average (∅) Receipts: The average sales amount for each settled receipt. This section also shows the number of receipts settled.
Voided receipts: The number of receipts voided.
Void total: The sum of all voids, including receipts and items.
Discounts: The total amount of discounts granted.
Comps (offered): The value of all 100% discounts granted.
Loss: The sum of wastage discounts.
Report structure on printed reports
Since printed POS reports look different from POS reports viewed in the app, this section will explain the structure and sections of the printed reports.
The header displays a company logo if you have one set up, the business address, the VAT and/or Tax number. Also, it contains the type of report, device you created the report on, date and time you printed it, identification number for the report, and time range to which the report refers.
Shows the amount of open sales and partial payments from the previous day, and displays the amount of the current business day. Also, it contains information about the partial sums of closed receipts, open accounts, and voided payments. Finally, the report shows the result of open payments that will be carried over to the next business day.
The Statistics area provides an overview of valid and voided receipts. It also shows how many draft and duplicate receipts you printed and how many direct and table-side orders were made.
It also shows many covers were served.
Note: The covers count will only be accurate if the correct number of guests is entered for each table. If no guest count is entered, the register will use the number of seats at a table instead. For example, if there are three guests at a table for four, you must enter three guests for the average calculation to be correct. Otherwise, the register assumes four guests served.
Finally, the report provides the number of aborted transactions and their total value.
Provides a calculation based on the total sales minus cancelations, comps, loss/wastage, and all other used discounts. Sales run by training POS users are totaled on a separate Training accounts row in this section.
In the Payments section, you can see the sum of all payments received across all payment methods, the amount of voided payments, and the payments total.
Taxes (only on Period and Fiscal reports)
The tax calculation shows the net sales for the day, the calculated taxes of the different tax rates, and the gross sales.
In the Takings section, revenue from the settled payments and tips is shown. When a cash drawer is assigned to the POS device, this section will provide the drawer amount entered when the shift was started, payments taken, the amount of cash expected in the drawer, and the final amount at the time of the closing of the user shift or sales period.
User entered values (optional, only on User reports)
This section lists any tips declared by the user when clocking out. To learn how to enable tip declaration, see Declaring tips.
Advance payments
The Advance payments section only appears when the bar tabs feature is enabled in the Back Office. This section shows the number of pre-authorizations processed for orders that are still open at the POS and the total value of those pre-auths. It also displays the amount of pre-authorizations carried over from a previous shift or day.
Accounting groups (only on Period and Fiscal reports)
This section lists sales based on accounting groups, such as food and beverage, including discounts given and wastage/loss made. Accounting groups must be set up in the Back Office before they will appear in this section. To learn more about accounting groups, visit the article About item categories.
Products (optional)
This section lists all sold items with their count and amount sorted to their item groups if enabled in the configuration used.
Open accounts
Shows all open tables, direct sales, and pick-up orders that still exist for any reason after closing the business day.
The last section of each report contains the Tax or VAT ID of your business, your customer account ID, your business ID, and the version of Lightspeed Restaurant used.
What’s next
Read Accessing and printing reports to learn how to access the reports at your POS and print them.