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Using Lightspeed Accounting 2.0

After setting up, learn about the features and functionality you may need to use to manage Lightspeed Accounting. Some features include: viewing the sync history to see when sales data has been synced, reposting and resyncing sales data, changing posting methods and account mappings, and switching your accounting software to connect a new program.

Viewing sync history

View the sync history for Lightspeed Accounting to see each attempted sync from Lightspeed to your accounting software. Filter by date or posting status to narrow down the results in the table, and click a sync result to view more information about it.

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant credentials.
  2. From the navigation menu, go to Integration > Accounting.
  3. Click Sync history to view a table containing every time sales data attempted to sync to your accounting software.
  4. (Optional) To filter the sync results by status or date, follow steps 4a–4c:
    1. From the first dropdown, select All, Success, or Failure
      • All - Displays both successful and failed postings.
      • Success - Displays only posting that successfully synced to your accounting software.
      • Failure - Displays only posting that failed to sync to your accounting software.
    2. From the second dropdown, select a date or date range to view sync results from.
    3. Click Refresh to update the posting shown on the table.
  5. (Optional) To view details for an individual sync result, click its date.


Reposting and resyncing sales data

Repost historical sales data if you update account mappings or settings in Lightspeed Accounting and want those changes to appear in your accounting software. Resync sales data if it failed to sync to your accounting software due to an error.

Reposting sales data

If you change account mappings or settings in Lightspeed Accounting and want those changes to be reflected in your accounting software for historical sales data, repost that data.  

Important: Before reposting previously-synced data, you must delete the data being reposted from your accounting software. Otherwise, there will be inaccuracies in your accounting software from data posting twice (the original sync and the repost).

  1. Delete the data in your accounting software for the date you are reposting.
  2. Follow steps 1–4 in Viewing sync history.
  3. Click the date of the successful sync result you want to repost.
  4. Click Repost to repost the data.
  5. Review the warning, then click Repost to confirm.
  6. Check your accounting software to verify the data has been reposted. It may take up to 30 minutes for the reposted data to appear. 

Resyncing sales data

If sales data failed to sync because of an error, resolve the error and resync that data to get it to appear in your accounting software.

  1. Read the notification email sent when the sync failed and correct the errors that prevented data from syncing.
    The email will be sent to the address entered in the Notification email field on the main Lightspeed Accounting page. 
  2. Follow steps 1–4 in Viewing sync history.
  3. Click the date of the failed sync result you want to resync.
  4. Click Resync to try resyncing the data.
  5. Check your accounting software to verify the data has been synced. It may take up to 30 minutes for the resynced data to appear. 

Changing posting methods or account mappings

Change the posting method or account mappings used in Lightspeed Accounting to update the way future sales data will sync to your accounting software. For example, switch from posting sales by item to posting them by accounting group, or change the default account in your accounting software where sales sync.

For a description of the posting methods, account mappings, and additional settings in this section, see Setting up Lightspeed Accounting.

Important: Posting method and account mapping changes will only apply to future synced data, not to historical data that has already been synced. Historical data may be manually reposted with the new settings, if desired. Changing the posting method will require you to reconfigure all mapped accounts and settings.

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant credentials.
  2. From the navigation menu, go to Integration > Accounting.
  3. (Optional) Select a new posting method.
  4. Select new account mappings.
    If you changed the posting method in the previous step, you must select all new account mappings. Otherwise, update only the desired mappings. 
  5. If you changed the posting method in step 3, configure the settings in the Additional settings section.
  6. Click Save changes to save.
  7. (Optional) Repost previous sales data to resync it to your accounting software with the updated settings. For detailed steps, see Reposting sales data.

Switching account software

If you start using new accounting software that’s supported by Lightspeed Accounting, disconnect your old accounting software and connect to the new program. All future sales data will sync to the new software, but historical data will not be affected.

Important: All account mappings, settings, and sync history will be lost when disconnecting accounting software. This action cannot be undone.

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant credentials.
  2. From the navigation menu, go to Integration > Accounting.
  3. Click Disconnect.
  4. Review the warning explaining that all configured accounts mapping, settings, and sync history will be lost.
  5. Click Disconnect to confirm. 
  6. Connect your new accounting software by following the steps in Setting up Lightspeed Accounting.

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