In this article
These instructions only apply to the new Lightspeed gift card version. If you are using the old gift card version and want to switch, follow the instructions in our Setting up gift cards 2.0 article.
While we primarily designed your K-Series gift cards to be issued online, you can also print them to sell physical gift cards to your customers. First, create and export a gift card batch from your K-Series Back Office. Then, use the exported CSV to print your gift cards yourself or through a third-party company.
Creating a gift card batch
- Log in to your K-Series Back Office.
- Navigate to Customers > Gift cards > All cards in the main navigation menu.
- At the top of the page, click the blue Create gift card batch button.
- In the Create gift card batch pop-up, enter a name for your gift card batch and select the number of gift cards you want to include in the batch. You can create a maximum of 1000 gift cards per batch.
- If you want gift cards to be payable by scanner, check the box for Enable scan to redeem. This cannot be changed once the batch is created.
- Click Create batch.
Next, you’ll export the gift card batch. This exported CSV can be sent to your gift card printer so that your physical gift cards are linked to the gift card batch in your Back Office.
Exporting a gift card batch
- Navigate to Customers > Gift cards > All cards in your main menu.
- Select the Batches tab.
- From the list, find the batch you wish to export (you can also use the Search bar to find it).
- Export the batch to CSV by clicking the download icon in the same row. A CSV file will appear in the downloads folder on your computer.
The CSV file will contain several columns, but the printers should only focus on the "C" column titled "URL". Optionally, you can use a spreadsheet software like Excel or Google Sheets to remove columns A and B. The only relevant information to be printed is Column C, which should appear as a QR code on each physical gift card. Please note if the printers print anything other than this value as a QR code, the cards will not function as intended.
You can send this exported CSV to your gift card printer or print the gift cards yourself.