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Updating billing information

Update the billing information for your Lightspeed Restaurant account to change the contact, business address, and tax ID details that appear on account billing invoices. Keep this information up to date to ensure billing invoices are accurate and can be processed correctly. Changes to billing information will apply to all future invoices but not to invoices that were already issued.

Need to update the payment method on file for automatic billing? See Paying billing invoices instead.

To update the billing information on future invoices:

  1. Locate your invoice number by performing steps 1–3 here.
  2. Follow the specific set of steps that reflects the format of the invoice number:
    If the invoice number begins with INVS :
    1. Contact the Billing department to request an update to your billing information.
    If the invoice number does not begin with INVS :
    1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant credentials.
    2. Click your name in the upper-right corner, and select Your account.
    3. In the Billing address section, click Edit.
    4. Enter new billing details as needed. For an explanation of each field, see the Billing details fields table.
    5. Click Save to save changes.


Billing details fields

Field Description
Company name Name of your business.
First / Last name Name of the business owner or person responsible for managing the Lightspeed account.
Street address Street name, number, and unit or space number (if applicable) of your business.
City, State, and Postal code City, state or province, and ZIP or postal code where your business is located.
Country Country where your business is located.
Tax ID Enter your tax ID or VAT identification number. VAT ID numbers start with an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (except for Greece, which uses the EL country code), and are followed by 2 - 12 characters.
Phone number Phone number where you can be reached.
Email address Email address where you can be reached.

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