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Managing accounting groups

You can organize similar items by adding accounting groups to categorize them for tax, printing, and reporting purposes. For example, you might create an Alcohol accounting group to apply the same tax profile and production center to all alcoholic beverages. Accounting groups can be added, edited, and deleted.


Adding accounting groups

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant credentials.
  2. From the main navigation menu, select Menu management > Accounting groups.
  3. Click Create accounting group.

    Creating an accounting group

  4. Enter the required information, such as the name and tax profile. To learn more about each field, see the detailed list of Accounting group settings.
  5. Click Save.

    Saving a new accounting group

  6. Add new items or edit existing items to assign the accounting group to them.

Accounting group settings

  • Accounting group name: Name of the accounting group as it appears in the Back Office.
  • Accounting ID (optional): Reference number used for accounting and property management system (PMS) integrations. When setting up an integration, make sure the accounting ID in the Back Office matches the same ID used in the integration.
  • Tax profile: Determines the tax profile that will be applied to items in the accounting group.
  • Items require number of covers (optional): With this setting enabled, the POS will prompt staff to enter the number of covers, or guests, when sending an item in this accounting group to the kitchen. This allows you to collect data on the number of meals served. To require a cover count for all table orders, enable Prompt cover count on a floor plan instead.

    For the covers prompt to appear when using this setting, you must disable Allow accounts with zero covers and set the Default number of covers for new accounts to 0 in the device configuration. The covers prompt will then appear when naming an order using the Tab name button.

  • Statistic categories (optional): Statistic groups allow you to sort items into more specific categories for reports like the Product mix report. Statistic groups are more flexible than accounting groups because they’re not tied to taxes or production centers.
  • Production center (optional): A production center determines which printer(s) will print order tickets for items in this accounting group. Production centers also control certain print settings for order tickets, such as the font size.
  • Secondary production center (optional): With a secondary production center, items ordered from this accounting group will appear in a small font as a notification to the secondary production center. This improves communication between different back-of-house areas where items are prepared.

    Example: Consider the following accounting groups:

    • Pizza - Has a production center called Pizza oven and a secondary production center called Kitchen.
    • Entrées - Has a production center called Kitchen but no secondary production center.

    When a pizza and entrée are sent to the kitchen at the same time for an order, two order tickets will print:

    • Ticket #1 prints to the Pizza oven production center and contains only the pizza item.
    • Ticket #2 prints to the Kitchen production center and includes both the entrée and pizza. The pizza appears in a small font on the ticket.

Editing accounting groups

Once an accounting group is added to the Back Office, you can always edit or delete it. Edit an accounting group to adapt and respond to changes in your business day-to-day, such as updating its name or tax profile.

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant credentials.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Menu management > Accounting groups.
  3. Click the Name of the accounting group.

    Selecting an accounting group to edit

  4. Make the desired edits, such as changing the tax profile assigned to the group. See Accounting groups settings for the full list of details.
  5. Click Save.

    Saving changes to an accounting group

Managing items in an accounting group

Adding items to an accounting group or changing an item's accounting group

To add individual items to an accounting group or change its accounting group:

  1. Navigate to Menu management > Items and click the item's name.

    Selecting an item to edit its accounting group

  2. Under Details > Basics, select the accounting group from the dropdown. Items can only belong to one accounting group.

    Editing an item's accounting group

  3. Click Save.

To add multiple items to an accounting group:

  1. Navigate to Menu management > Items.
  2. Check the box next to each item's name that is to be added to the group using the filters to narrow down the items listed.

    Listing items to edit their accounting group

  3. Under Details > Basics, select the accounting group from the dropdown. Items can only belong to one accounting group.

    Selecting multiple items to edit their accounting group

  4. Click Actions.
  5. Click Assign accounting group.

    Assigning an accounting group to multiple items

  6. Use the dropdown menu to select a new accounting group.
  7. Click Assign accounting group.

Refer to Creating and editing items for more details on item settings.

Removing items from an accounting group

To remove items from an accounting group:

  1. Navigate to Menu management > Items and click the item's name.

    Items in an accounting group

  2. Under Details > Basics, use the Accounting group dropdown menu and choose a new accounting group. To remove the item from all accounting groups, choose -- Select --.

    Removing the accounting group from an item

  3. Click Save.

Deleting accounting groups

Delete accounting groups that you no longer need to remove them from the Back Office.

Only empty accounting groups can be deleted, so be sure to unlink all items assigned to the group before deleting it.

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant credentials.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Menu management > Accounting groups.
  3. Click the trash can icon on an accounting group row.

    Deleting an accounting group

  4. In the pop-up window, click Confirm.

    Confirming the deletion of an accounting group

What's next?

Using the item table

Add and manage all of your items in one place from the items table.

Learn more


Create combos from your items to add to your menu.

Learn more

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