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Manually processing credit cards with Lightspeed Payments

With Lightspeed Payments, you can manually enter a customer's credit card information during a sale. This is useful if you need to take an order over the phone or if a customer's card has been damaged and cannot be read by the payment terminal.

Note: Manually processing a credit card offers less protection against chargebacks and incurs higher fees than processing a card with the payment terminal. We recommend using manual entry only when necessary. For more information, visit our article on Preventing chargebacks

Enabling manual entry payments

To begin accepting manual entry payments, you must enable this feature in your Lightspeed Back Office.

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant account credentials.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Configuration > Settings > Payment methods.
  3. Select Add a payment method.
    Image shows the Payment Methods page in Lightspeed Back Office. The button titled 'Add a Payment Method' has been highlighted
  4. Select the Payment method type as Lightspeed Payments - Adyen Manual Keyed Entry.
    Image shows a page titled 'Add new payment method.' A dialogue box with multiple payment methods available to choose from is open. The method titled 'Lightspeed Payments - Adyen Manual Keyed Entry' has been highlighted.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Restart your Lightspeed Payments payment terminal.

Processing manual entry payments

  1. From the Order screen, add all items and discounts to the sale.
  2. Tap Pay.
  3. Tap the Lightspeed Payments Manual Entry payment type.
  4. Follow the prompts on your Lightspeed Payments payment terminal to enter the credit card number and expiration date on the terminal.
  5. Complete the payment on the terminal.
  6. Once the payment is successfully processed, the terminal will display the approved payment.

Reporting with manual entry payments

All transactions processed through Lightspeed Payments are available to view in your Lightspeed Payments reports

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