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About Restaurant POS

Getting started guide


The Lightspeed Restaurant POS (K) app for iPads and iOS is where you run your business day, compared to the Back Office where you did most setup.

In the Restaurant POS app, you manage customer orders, start and end sales periods, print shift reports, and perform other daily tasks. Some staff, like managers, will need to know how to perform all of these actions. Others, like cooks, will have more limited access that allows them to only do certain tasks, such as clock in and out.

Restaurant POS app Order screen with an open order displayed

Learning the Restaurant POS app articles

Discover more about the articles waiting for you in the Learning the Restaurant POS app section.

Article Description
Using the Home screen Review how to log in from the Home screen, the first part of the Restaurant POS app you see after connecting it to your account.
Clocking in and out Employees clock in at the beginning of their shift, and out at the end, enabling you to track their work hours, sales, and other activity.
Opening or closing a sales period A manager opens the sales period at the start of the business day, and closes it at the end, to control when orders can be placed at the POS.
Placing basic orders Learn how to manage a basic direct sale order in the Restaurant POS app.
Managing cash drawer operations If you set up a physical cash drawer, count the cash present at the beginning and end of the sales period.
Understanding the Settings menu Reload your POS app after making changes in the Back Office, run shift reports, add or remove cash from the drawer, and perform other managerial functions from the Settings menu.

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