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Training POS users

With the training users feature, new employees can practice processing orders without affecting your restaurant's sales totals, allowing them to get hands-on experience at the POS.

Here are some recommendations for how to approach training employees on the Lightspeed Restaurant POS app:

  • Follow our training checklist to learn the workflows employees need to know to operate the Lightspeed Restaurant POS app.
  • If your account is in setup mode, all transactions processed at the POS are deleted automatically when you go live.
  • After going live, set up training users to help new employees learn how to use Lightspeed.
  • Training users can run transactions at the POS that are recorded separately from real orders in your Lightspeed reports.

Setting up training users

Training users can process transactions in the Restaurant POS app that are kept separate from actual customer orders in most Lightspeed reporting. This allows new employees to practice using Lightspeed without affecting the restaurant's sales data.

There are three main steps to setting up training users:

  1. Create a training POS user group
  2. Assign POS users to the training group
  3. Generate PIN and QR codes for the training users

Creating a training POS user group

User groups organize your POS users and allow you to manage permissions for multiple users at once. Creating a POS user group for training users keeps them separate from fully-trained employees and gives them all training permissions.

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant account credentials.
  2. From the main navigation menu, select Configuration > Users > POS user groups.

    Image displays the landing page for editing user groups in the Back Office

  3. Click Create a new POS user group.
  4. Enter an easily identifiable name for the new group, such as Training, then click OK.
  5. Select the dropdown menu for the user group, then click Configure.

    Image displays the landing page for editing user groups in the Back Office. The bottom row, titled 'training' has a dropdown menu selected and highlighted, with three options titled 'Edit members,' 'Configure,' and 'Delete' visible

  6. Enable User is in training, transactions aren't committed in the POS user permissions section.
  7. Configure the remaining user group permissions and settings as desired.
  8. Click Save to finish creating the user group.

Assigning POS users to the training group

When you assign POS users to a training group, they receive all of the permissions configured for that group. Assign POS users to the training group you previously created to allow them to access the POS in training mode.

Only POS users who have already been added to Lightspeed can be assigned to a user group.

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant account credentials.
  2. From the main navigation menu, select Configuration > Users > POS user groups.
  3. Click Edit members next to the training user group you created previously.
  4. Use the dropdown menu to select a user, then click + to add them to the group.
  5. (Optional) Repeat step 4 as needed to add additional users to the training group.
  6. Follow the steps in the next section to generate PIN and QR codes for training users.

Important: When the employee has completed their training, edit their user profile to manage their user permissions or change their assigned group. Sales processed by a user in training mode are not committed and can not be converted into a real sale.

Generating PIN and QR codes for training users

Training users must have a PIN and QR code to log into the POS. Training users do not appear on the POS home page of Lightspeed Restaurant and cannot log in to the POS without both codes.

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant account credentials.
  2. From the main navigation menu, select Configuration > Users > POS users.
  3. Navigate to the training user you wish to edit and select Configure.
  4. Click Change pin code.
  5. Enter the new PIN.

    Image displays a dialogue box where you can enter a four digit PIN

  6. Click OK to save changes.
  7. Click Enable QR code login.

    Image displays the edit user details page in Lightspeed Back Office. The section titled QR code login has been highlighted

  8. Click the download icon under the QR code to print or save it.

Using training mode on the POS

Once a user profile for the trainee has been created, the employee can log into the Restaurant POS app to practice taking orders.

Note: Before training users can log in, a normal POS user with the proper permissions must open a sales period.

  1. From the Home screen of the Lightspeed Restaurant app, tap Scan QR code.

    Image displays the login page for Lightspeed POS. There are two blue buttons on the bottom of the screen, one is titled 'Clock in/out' and the second is titled 'Scan QR code'

  2. Scan the user’s QR code using your device’s camera.
  3. Enter the PIN code for the user.
  4. Tap Yes to acknowledge that you are entering training mode and sales will not be committed.

    Image displays a dialogue box that reads 'Use this carefully: FOR STAFF TRAINING ONLY.' There are two buttons, one for No and one for Yes

Once the user is finished training, log out to return to the Home screen. Logging out ensures that additional transactions are not accidentally processed under the training account.

POS reporting on training orders

Training orders are kept separate from most POS reports in the Lightspeed Restaurant app and do not affect your cash drawer.


Receipts for transactions created in training mode are labeled with ### INVALID RECEIPT ### and ### TEST RECEIPT ###.

Image displays a digital copy of a training receipt in Lightspeed POS

POS reports

POS reports can be viewed or printed from the Lightspeed Restaurant app and give an overview of sales, payments, receipts, and more.

Printed POS report: In the full printed POS report, training transactions are included in:

  • The total count of Valid receipts.
  • A separate Training accounts row under Statistics.
  • A separate Training accounts row under Sales.

Back Office reporting on training orders

Orders processed in training mode are kept separate from actual sales data in most Lightspeed reports, or are omitted from the report altogether.

Sales reports

Business reports (EMEA): The Business report (EMEA) offers a detailed overview of earnings, business activity, and other financial information, including a variety of display views that sort and highlight data according to your needs. Training transactions are included in the following views:

  • Classic view: Training sales appear in a separate section titled Items entered in training mode.
  • Condensed view: Training sales appear in the Order type section and in the Summary section under Rounding total and Training total.

Business reports (NOAM): The Business report (NOAM) offers a quick overview of earnings, business activity, and other financial information. Training transactions are included in the following sections:

  • The Rounding Total and Training Total rows in the Summary section.

Staff report: The Staff report provides sales data for each staff member who used the POS during the selected period. Training sales are included in:

  • The Order type section.
  • The Rounding Total and Training Total rows in the Summary section.
  • The Accounts open and Accounts paid rows in the Accounts section.

Device reports: The Device reports shows sales data according to the POS device used to process the sale. Training transactions are included in:

  • The Order type section.
  • The Rounding Total and Training Total rows in the Summary section.
  • The Accounts open and Accounts paid rows in the Accounts section.

Staff reports

Labor report: The Labor report displays shift data for a specific period by staff members, including tips, sales, discounts, hours worked for each employee, service charges, and voids.

  • All training transactions are included in the training user’s labor report.

Order reports

Receipt report: The Receipt report displays all receipts created over a specific period of time, including those that were canceled, corrected, or generated while in training mode.

  • All sales processed in training mode appear in a light grey font.

All accounts report: The All accounts report details all created orders, including open, canceled, voided, fixed, and orders created in training mode.

  • All sales processed in training mode appear in a light grey font.

What’s next?

Managing users

Learn more about editing and making changes to user accounts.

Learn more

Importing POS users

Learn more about importing POS users if you need to create or edit multiple user accounts.

Learn more

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