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Adding POS users

From the Back Office, create a POS user account for every employee that will need access to the Lightspeed Restaurant app. For accurate reporting and management, we recommend that you create a dedicated user account for each employee.

When you add a POS user, you can either assign them to a user group or adjust their permissions manually.

If you have two or more POS users that need similar permissions, such as your servers, bartenders or managers, it is recommended that you set permissions at the user group level, rather than setting permissions individually.


Creating POS users

From the Configuration > Users > POS users page of your Lightspeed Back Office, you can add, edit, or delete users. If you need to add several users at once, you can choose to import users from a .CSV file.

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed credentials.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Configuration > Users > POS Users.
  3. Click Add a new user.

    User groups page with the Add a new user button highlighted

  4. Enter the POS user settings. These settings control an individual’s specific user profile, such as their name and their personal identifier for integrations.
  5. Select a user group or select their individual user permissions.

    New user page showing potential permissions

  6. Enable which discounts this user will be able to apply to orders.
  7. Click Add user to finish creating the user.

    New user page with the Add user button highlighted

POS user settings

These settings control an individual’s specific permissions in the Lightspeed Restaurant POS app, as well as their username and how their name appears on reports.

Basic user settings

  • Username: This is how the user’s name will appear in the POS.
  • First name: The user’s first name.
  • Last name: The user’s last name.
  • Group: This is the user group to which the user can be assigned. All groups created in Configuration > Users > POS user groups are available. By selecting a group, all rights assigned to the group are automatically assigned to the user.
  • Identifier for local orders: Use this field to assign a specific identifier to a user for the Drinkotec integration or Pay at Table feature.
  • iButton ID: Used for Dallas key integration; you need to enter the Dallas key number in this field to ensure Lightspeed can match this user with their key.

POS user permissions

POS user permissions will only be visible if the user has not been assigned to a user group.

  • POS user is a manager: This user automatically has all user permissions.
  • User can print duplicates of a customer receipt: This user can reprint a copy of a customer receipt in the POS.
  • User is in training, transactions aren’t committed: Orders processed by this user will be done in training mode. Training mode transactions will be kept separate from actual customer orders in most Lightspeed reporting.
  • User can send a receipt by email: This user can email a copy of a customer receipt in the POS.
  • User can cancel receipts on the POS: The user can refund receipts at the POS after they are processed.
  • User can create an invoice from a customer receipt: This user can change a receipt to an invoice on the POS.
  • User can change the payment method of a customer receipt: The user can change the payment method used on a finished receipt. For example, if an order was processed as cash but the customer actually wanted to pay by credit card.
  • User can use the time clock to track worked hours: This user can clock in and out on the POS.
  • User can apply an order profile: The user can add an order profile to items from the POS.
  • User can transfer items from one account to another: The user can move items from one seat or course to a different table entirely.
  • User can return items: This user can process refunds through the POS.
  • User can open the cash drawer using the open drawer button: The user can open the cash drawer at any time without a transaction.
  • User can recall a previously closed order: The user can change a closed order to an open order.
  • User can disable printing manually: The user can decide for each transaction whether a receipt should be printed on the POS.
  • User can cancel items that have been sent: After the items have already been sent to the kitchen or bar, the user can cancel them.
  • User can bypass table protection: The user can manage orders created by other employees, even when the Users are not allowed to access open accounts created by other users setting is enabled for a POS configuration.
  • User has manager rights for table transfers: This user has all permissions for table transactions, such as moving items to another table or canceling a table.
  • User can change the default configuration: On the POS it is possible to define which POS device configuration is used by default when logging in. The user can change this configuration.
  • User can modify sales restrictions: The user can add, modify, or disable item quantity restrictions by long-pressing an item on the POS and selecting Sales restriction. Sales restrictions are only available for items with the Enable a counter on this item to restrict the available quantity setting enabled.
  • User can split accounts: If multiple customers at a table want to pay separately, the user can divide the order into different receipts.
  • User can force a tip on an account: The user can add a tip manually to the receipt.
  • User can open and close shifts: The user can open and close a sales period on the POS.
  • User can reload the POS configuration: Configurations are POS profiles that are associated with a specific menu and settings. When changes are made in the Back Office, the user can reload the configuration on the POS to see these changes.
  • User can view and manage customers: The user can access customer profiles on the POS. User can capture and close payment batches: The user can use the Settle batch option on the Settings menu to manually close a batch of credit card transactions for a fee. Settle batch is only available to users with this permission when a payment method using the Cayan (Swiper or Keyed Entry) type is present in the Back Office.
  • User can reprint production dockets: When in Table Service mode, the user can reprint an order ticket for individual items or courses previously sent to the kitchen or prep station.
  • User can manage payment terminal settings in the POS: The user can access the Payment terminals section of the Settings menu to set up a new payment terminal or view an existing one’s settings.

What’s next?

Managing POS users

Learn more about editing and making changes to user accounts.

Learn more

Training POS users

Learn more about training mode and teaching new users how to navigate the POS.

Learn more

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