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About POS configurations

POS configurations can be understood as a collection of settings that are controlled from the Back Office and applied to your POS devices. These configurations allow the Lightspeed Restaurant app to access a specific group of settings that can be customized and edited as needed.


Why are POS configurations important?

POS configurations allow you to customize Lightspeed Restaurant's settings and workflows to fit your business uniquely. For example, a business may use table service and/or pay-at-order counter service. Depending on your desired workflows, you can edit the POS configurations so that these settings are automatically applied to an associated POS app. Additionally, you can create multiple configurations for your business, but a device can only be associated with one configuration at a time.

Back Office configuration settings

What types of settings are included in POS configurations?

You can manage multiple device settings, such as printing settings, payment options, and user permissions. In addition, you can change what menu your POS is using and the order type you would prefer to use. Managing your POS configuration allows you to customize your customer experience at nearly every level, from courses offered to checking out.

How do I switch between POS configurations?

  1. Once you've added POS configurations in Back Office and linked the appropriate menus to each POS configuration, reload the configurations on your POS device.
  2. Tap Settings in the Restaurant POS app.
  3. Tap Device configuration.

    Device configuration tab on Restaurant POS device

  4. Choose the POS configuration you'd like to use. The app will automatically reload.

    Change configuration popup window

Switching between POS configurations is helpful when changing between different menus for different shifts, like lunch or dinner. Tags can also be added to each POS configuration to filter reporting so you can get accurate and specific breakdowns for each area. 

What's next

Adding POS configurations

Learn how to create unique configurations for your devices.

Learn more

Understanding POS configurations

Explore the various configuration settings you can edit.

Learn more

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