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Adding and editing payment methods

By default, certain payment methods are already added to your account when you get started with Lightspeed Restaurant. If you are using Lightspeed Payments, we will create the Lightspeed Payments payment method for you once your application has been approved.

From the Payment methods page in the Back Office of Lightspeed Restaurant, you can add new and edit existing payment methods.

Once a payment method has been created, it cannot be deleted.

Image displays the landing page for payment methods in the Back Office of Lightspeed Restaurant.

Adding a new payment method

To create a new payment method:

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant account credentials. 
  2. From the navigation menu, select Configuration > Settings > Payment methods.
  3. Select Add payment method.

    Image displays the landing page for payment methods in the Back Office of Lightspeed Restaurant. The button titled 'Add payment method' has been highlighted.

  4. Select the payment method type. Once the payment type has been selected, the options for the payment method will update to reflect the selected type.
  5. Enter the payment method settings
  6. Click Save.

Editing payment methods

To edit an existing payment method, 

  1. Log in to the Back Office with your Lightspeed Restaurant account credentials. 
  2. From the navigation menu, select Configuration > Settings > Payment methods.
  3. Select the name of the payment method you wish to edit.
  4. Update the payment method settings
  5. Click Save.

Payment method settings

Once a payment method has been created, you can configure your settings to change how this payment method behaves.

  • Name: The name of the payment method as it is displayed on the POS and on the customer receipt.
  • Accounting reference: This code is used for integrating with third-party accounting integrations.
  • Include in floats: When enabled, this payment method is included in float counts.
  • Initiate payment via QR code: Allow customers to pay for transactions using this payment method by scanning a QR code (even if the payment method has been disabled on the POS).
  • Open cash drawer: When enabled, the cash drawer will open when this payment type is selected.

What's next?

About sales reports

Explore how Lightspeed Restaurant reports sales and payment data.

Learn more

Creating and editing transfer operations

Learn how to transfer funds between payment methods with Lightspeed Restaurant.

Learn more

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