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Setting up Lightspeed Payments

Getting started guide


Lightspeed Payments is the simplest way to seamlessly integrate your online and in-store payment processing with Lightspeed Restaurant, so you can run your business and manage your transactions all in one place.


Applying for Lightspeed Payments

Before you can begin processing card payments with Lightspeed Payments, you will need to fill out an application.

Filling out an application

The Lightspeed Payments application is accessible directly from the Back Office. When you first log in to the Back Office, you can apply by clicking Activate Lightspeed Payments as your sales representative guides you through the process.

To resume a previously-started application or submit one for a business location that’s a separate legal entity, click the Product Switcher. The Product Switcher is also where you can check your application status to see when you’re approved.

Image shows a highlighted 'Activate payments' button

Application requirements

The information we are required to collect during the application process will vary by region due to legal requirements by local financial regulatory bodies. Generally, your application needs to include:

  • Document signer’s personal information to verify their identity
  • Legal business name as registered with the relevant local business authorities
  • Tax ID or equivalent that matches the legal business name registered with the relevant financial regulatory body
  • Business address to verify the business operating location
  • Current bank account details linked to the sole proprietorship, LLC, or corporation name
  • Additional documentation may need to be uploaded for verification

Once your application is approved, you will be contacted via email with your next steps.

Becoming PCI compliant

In addition to receiving communication from Lightspeed after your approval, you can also expect an email from Viking Cloud, our partner. This email from Viking Cloud is to provide you with an option to become PCI compliant through us (via Viking Cloud). It is completely free of charge for all Lightspeed Payments users.

Configuring payment settings

One advantage of using Lightspeed Payments is that we handle most of your gateway configurations, but you still have the option to customize Lightspeed Payments to suit your needs.

Once you have been approved for Lightspeed Payments and it has been added to your account, your Lightspeed Payments settings can be configured in Lightspeed Restaurant. These settings include options for:

  • Tipping
  • Signature capture
  • Reporting settings
  • Surcharging (Australia only)

The Payments configuration page in the Lightspeed Restaurant Back Office. Several settings are shown, including customization options for tipping

Setting up your payment terminal

The final step in getting started with Lightspeed Payments is setting up your payment terminal. The exact steps will vary depending on which terminal you use, but most terminals will follow the same basic steps.

Only use the supported payment terminal sent to you by Lightspeed as terminals obtained from third-party providers may not be correctly configured for your account and could present a security risk.

  1. Physical setup: During this step, you will unbox your terminal and power it on. If there's a battery, this is the time to charge it.
  2. Connecting your terminal to your network: Most terminals can connect to your network via Wi-Fi. During this step, you will connect your payment terminal to the same network used by your POS device.
  3. Assigning a fixed IP address: Contact your IT provider to set up a fixed IP address through DHCP reservation, a crucial step to ensure network stability for your payment terminal. If DHCP reservation isn't an option, then manually assign a static IP address to your terminal. It's recommended to set the address outside the DHCP range to reduce the risk of potential IP conflicts, particularly during network interruptions or outages.
  4. Pairing the terminal: Once the terminal is connected to your network, you can pair it to your Lightspeed Restaurant account.
  5. Processing a test sale: Once your terminal is paired, process a test sale to ensure the connection was successful and your settings have been configured correctly.

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